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A Tale of Springtime (1990)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:17 pm
by ASN
A Tale of Springtime (1990)Image
Samples (click to enlarge)
DetailsA Tale of Springtime (1990)
GENREComedy, Drama, Romance
DirectorEric Rohmer
WriterEric Rohmer
ActorsAnne Teyssedre , Hugues Quester , Florence Darel , Eloise Bennett , Sophie Robin , Marc Lelou , Francois Lamore
PLOTSimple conversations engender complicated human interactions. Jeanne is open and even-tempered, a philosophy teacher at a lycee. Her fiance is away and she doesn't want to stay at his messy flat; she's loaned hers to a cousin, so she
More DetailsMPAA Rating : PG
Country of Origin: France
Language: French
More Info : IMDb Link
Subtitles : YIFYsubtitles , OpenSubtitles

Simple conversations engender complicated human interactions. Jeanne is open and even-tempered, a philosophy teacher at a lycee. Her fiance is away and she doesn't want to stay at his messy flat; she's loaned hers to a cousin, so she accepts the invitation of Natasha, a music student whom she meets at a party, to sleep in her father Igor's bedroom because he's always with his young girlfriend, Eve. Natasha tells Jeanne a story of a missing necklace and her suspicions of Eve. They all meet at dinner, then again at Igor's country house. Is Natasha scheming to get Igor and Jeanne together alone? Once alone, what determines how they choose to act? And the necklace, what of it?

[IMDb Code] : tt0097106 0097106

[Genres] : GenreComedy, GenreDrama, GenreRomance

[Also Known As] : Conte de printemps, Conto da Primavera, Conte de printemps, Forårsfortælling, Forårseventyr, Kevättarina, Conte de printemps, Ιστορίες της άνοιξης, A tavasz meséje, Racconto di primavera, 春のソナタ, Et våreventyr, Opowieść wiosenna, Conto de Primavera, Poveste de primavară, Весенняя сказка, Cuento de primavera, En vårberättelse, 春天的故事, A Tale of Springtime, A Tale of Springtime, Tales of Four Seasons, Frühlingserzählung, A Tale of Springtime Contes des quatre saisons: Conte de printemps

[Rating Groups] ratedabove7 ratedabove6 ratedabove5 ratedabove4 ratedabove3